Become a Member or Sponsor of UOA
Why Should You Join?
Events & Networking
Support and accelerate the growth and economic development of Utah’s outdoor industry by having a centralized organization that unifies businesses, professionals and the future workforce.
Continuing Education
We’ll share market research and industry forecasts and insights on a broad range of topics including marketing, business development, R&D, operations and more.
Workforce Development
From job boards to training opportunities, partnership with universities, workshops and access to educational information, we’re committed to developing a strong outdoor industry workforce.
Constructive Conversations
We welcome discussion and debate on important policy issues from across the industry through open forums with major decision-makers.
Industry Market Research
Industry forecasts and insights
Industry Members
Interested in becoming an industry member of the Utah Outdoor Association? Contact us to learn more.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of the Utah Outdoor Association? Contact us to learn more.